
January 31, 2023

I think every kid dreams of a dog.

BUT...However, not all parents are ready for another child in thefamily.

That's right, the Mexican Hairless Dog is another child inthe family. It doesn't happen otherwise. Make sure first of all whether youhave enough moral and financial strength to provide for another child.I have three children and 4 Xolos, so I have experience, Iwill gladly share a couple of life hacks.I will start with the responsibilityfor Xolo, which is always borne by an adult. A child cannot do this.It isnecessary to explain to the child that Xolo is not a toy but a member of thefamily, but you can play with him like a dog. You should have prepared inadvance the allowed dog toys, for example, balls, pullers, educational gamesfor dogs, etc.Teach your child to interact with your Xolo with a treat, theprocess is enjoyable for both. Just don't overdo it with food, children arereally excited about the process and may not stop in time.Depending on the ageof your child, the interaction between the two will be different. The smallerthe child, the more supervision he needs, you can't leave the little one withXolo for a long time, there is always a risk of them quarreling. Although XoloSine Metu know how to make friends with children and are very attached tochildren in the family, because the upbringing of puppies up to three monthsold in our home with many children gives conviction to puppies for life. Thereis nothing wrong with the fact that children grow up with Xolo under the sameroof if you have clear rules and you are able to bear responsibility, theneverything is in harmony, everyone is more organized and healthy (frequentwalks and games in the fresh air have not harmed anyone yet) .  

Enjoy life!

Many thanks for the photo and video to the owner of our Xolo - Daria Reshetnyak

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Sine Metu

Is a mono-breed Miniature Xolo kennel. 
We know everything about the Xolo breeding and even more. 
We choose only the best Xolo bloodlines in the world for the breeding purpose in our kennel. 
Our graduates live in more than 10 countries in Europe, the USA and Canada.  
All our breeding dogs get tested for genetic diseases and are in excellent health condition.