New litter!

It is a wonderful combination of the beautiful form of Reggie and the small size of Roksolana.

Why did I choose Reggie?

A year and a half ago, when I was still looking for a breeding male for my girls, I looked through so many suggestions, looked through so many pedigrees. I was very аttentive and selective. Until I found what I was looking for. When I saw the photo of this male my heart stopped as if I was in my second youth, here he is, with a gorgeous head like a standard Xolo, I have never seen such a Xolo miniature before. His beautifully filled head can be admired forever  in addition he has an excellent balanced character.

Reggie is from a very titled couple, it is hard to imagine if there are any other Xolo with so many titles in their piggy bank. Black as night, a colour I didn't have at the time. And I was very interested to try him for breeding.

After weighing all the pros and cons I decided to buy this black-skinned sturdy boy for my family kennel. And here he is at me, now almost two years old handsome.

We had just begun our show career, when the proverbial thing happened...

War...Plans and fates of many are shattered, the main thing is to save your shows, only hails and shells...But great hope for the future and we all wait for Victory! Everything will happen, and my boy will shine in the rings of Ukraine.

When I chose my two males for Roxi, I was well aware that my Roxolana tends to shrink the size of puppies, and I can afford to pick a mate for her bigger than 35 cm. Then the litter would be 32-33cm, which is what I wanted.

After calculating all the risks and possibilities, I opted for black Reggie.

And I wasn't wrong, I know that for sure.

Who is the mother of our puppies? Where does she come from and why her?

Roksolana is the dream of a lifetime. This story is about her. Without her there would be no me as a breeder. The first Xolo that came into my home, my first love and hope. Roxi was born and raised in the Mechta Zhyzny kennel until she was 5 months old. Her father Estet Mechta Zhyzny is a beautiful spotted xolo miniature, and her mother Infiniti - Xolo coated.

When Roxi started living with us I gradually entered the world of Xolo and after a year I realized that I will definitely have a Xolos kennel, otherwise it couldn't be.

And so it was time for the first mating and birth of puppies in 2017.

Three hairless babies and a coated one, I remember as I am now receiving them into the world, it was an unbelievable experience.

In 8 years Roksolana has given birth to 24 Xolo puppies, of which 20 are hairless and 4 are coated.

Now she has her last, fifth, long awaited litter and will not have any more puppies.

Strong, well-built, with nice head and beautiful ears, flat back, and a very small stature, which is a rarity in fact, and such Xolo is not very many: 28-29 cm.

Roksolana passes on her height to her offspring. Most of her children are under 30 cm tall, except for litters C (8 puppies) which are ranging from small (31-32 cm) to big (35 cm). Some Roxi pups have grown up to 25-26 cm, and my goal: to get small litter, was reached.

Roksolana is a unique Xolo, very interesting and valuable as a producer and an excellent companion

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Is a mono-breed Miniature Xolo kennel. 
We know everything about the Xolo breeding and even more. 
We choose only the best Xolo bloodlines in the world for the breeding purpose in our kennel. 
Our graduates live in more than 10 countries in Europe, the USA and Canada.  
All our breeding dogs get tested for genetic diseases and are in excellent health condition.