Сontract for future owners

November 9, 2022


                                                OF PURCHASE AND SALE OF A PUREBRED DOG

"__"_________ 2022

We, theundersigned Kolomishchev Yulian (full name), living at: Ukraine,Lviv, streetMasaryka 18/93

hereinafterreferred to as - the Seller (Breeder), on the one hand,and________________________________________________________________________(full name)

residingat: _________________________________________________________,

hereinafterreferred to as the Buyer, on the other hand,

togetherhereinafter referred to as the Parties,

have signedthis contract as follows:

1.                                   Subject ofthe contract: The Seller sells and the Buyer buys the dog

breed_Xoloitzcuntli miniatura(Mexican hairless dog miniatura)

named SineMetu___________ ,

pedigreenumber (puppy registration certificate): ___________________,

brandingnumber: ______________________,




date ofbirth:

other data:hairless

(hereinafterreferred to as "Dog").


2 Price ofthe Dog and terms of payment under the Contract:

2.1 Thefull price is____

2.2 Paymentunder the Contract is as follows:

Buyeragrees to pay a deposit for the dog of 20% of the value of the dog at the timeof this Contract -  

2.3 Twoweeks before the planned date of arrival of the dog from Ukraine to ___________The Buyer pays the Seller in money: _____ euros;


3.      The seller (breeder) confirms that the dogis a purebred, meets the requirements of breed and condition, vaccinated byage, is physically and mentally healthy, chipped (branded), has no visibleanomalies and disqualifying defects, has the necessary breeding documents andactivated in accordance with the requirements of the All-Ukrainian public organization"Ukrainian Kennel Union" (FCI-UKU).

4.     At the moment of conclusion of thiscontract the dog has no disadvantages preventing the successful participationin dog shows.


5. If thedog has a disqualifying defect by 4 months, the seller (breeder) is obliged torefund the entire amount of the deposit, namely ____ euros.

Disqualifyingdefects such as:


-Lack ofbite or overbite.

-Failure tocorrect bite, obvious deficiencies in the jaws.


-Blue eyesor flecks in the eyes.

-Cut ears

-A shrunkentail.

-Fur on anypart of a naked Xolo's body except the head, ears, neck, paws, and tail.

-Albinism,blindness or deafness

-Heightsbelow 25 cm.


6.In case of the death of theDog, the obligation to compensate the cost of the Dog under clause 2.3 shallbe removed from the Buyer, and the Agreement in this part shall be deemedinvalid, the Seller shall return the entire amount of the deposit to the Buyer_____euro.


7.The Buyer undertakes to providethe Dog with proper conditions of maintenance, which includes the food rationcorresponding to the breed, size and age of the Dog, training, etc.


8.Upon arrival of the Dog in itsnew home, ownership and all risks of loss of health or life of the Dog shallpass to the Buyer.


9. All disputes between theSeller and the Buyer shall be resolved according to the current legislation ofUkraine and the breeding regulation of the FCI (FCI - UKU).


10  This Agreement is made in two copies (one forthe Seller and the Buyer), which have equal legal force.


11.The Seller (Breeder) undertakes to produce anexport pedigree after full payment of the cost of the Dog.

Тhe price of the export pedigree is 60 euros. And delivery is 10 euros.


_______________                                                                                                  ________________

Seller                                                                                                                                 Buyer


Sine Metu

Is a mono-breed Miniature Xolo kennel. 
We know everything about the Xolo breeding and even more. 
We choose only the best Xolo bloodlines in the world for the breeding purpose in our kennel. 
Our graduates live in more than 10 countries in Europe, the USA and Canada.  
All our breeding dogs get tested for genetic diseases and are in excellent health condition.